Can You Get A Master’s in Nursing Degree From a Christian College?

Master's in NursingReligious institutions often offer many of the same courses and programs as secular institutions do, which is why you can get your Master’s in Nursing degree from a Christian college. Nursing programs focus deeply on protecting and helping the client at any cost, and these institutions give their students the same fundamentals and backgrounds as other programs do. Even if you only have a two-year degree, you’ll still find programs that can help you earn your graduate degree.

Why Get a Master’s in Nursing?

The earnings potential for those with a Master’s in Nursing is much higher the earnings potential reported among those with only an undergraduate degree. Forbes ranked the degree at number nine on its list of the Top 10 Master Degree Programs for Students. Forbes found that the median pay in the field is nearly $86,000 and that the number of jobs open for those with a graduate degree will increase by more than 21 percent. Those figures indicate that nursing is a stable and growing field.

How Does a Christian Degree Differ from a Secular Degree?

Before earning your Master’s in Nursing degree from a Christian college, you need to look at how it differs from a secular college. Christian colleges often ask students to attend church services every week, and some schools have even more strict rules. Religious colleges are private and remain separate from the state, which means that those schools can impose rules that other schools cannot impose.

Are There Concentrations Available?

The number of concentrations available at religious schools is often smaller than the number of concentrations you can find at other schools. Many Christian colleges offer a concentration in family health, which focuses on helping families recover together and providing support to the entire family unit. Some schools offer a global health ministry concentration or a similar concentration that helps students better prepare themselves for working in overseas locations and working with people from different backgrounds. Depending on the school, you may find some more traditional concentrations, including concentrations in critical care nursing or psychiatric nursing.

Accelerated Nursing Programs

Even if you don’t have a nursing degree, you can still apply to earn a Master’s in Nursing degree from a Christian college. A large number of these schools now offer accelerated programs designed for those who want to earn their degrees faster. If you have an Associate’s in Nursing, you can enroll in a program that lets you complete your BSN and Master’s in Nursing in around five years or less. If you have a college degree in a non-medical field, you can enroll in an accelerated program that will use some of your previous credits to complete your nursing school requirements and graduate faster.

Related Resource: Financial Aid

Nurses work in hospitals, community centers, substance abuse clinics and dozens of other locations. As long as people have medical needs, the world will need nurses. With a Master’s in Nursing degree from a Christian college, you will learn all the skills that you need to work in the field, but you’ll also have a chance to choose a concentration in a traditional or less traditional field.

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