5 Careers in Graphic Design

5 Graphic Design Careers To Look Into

There are so many careers in graphic design that few professionals ever think of which can provide them with both the artistic freedom and financial security that they desire. The article by Creative Boom highlights some of the more unusual routes that a person with this particular set of skills can take on, but there are so many more. Here are five careers open to graphic designers that people interested in the field should consider. 

1. Creative Director

A creative designer is one of the most interesting careers for graphic designers. This is a top-level position that usually comes after years of experience in the field; it can be found in almost every sector. A creative director oversees the overall look and vision of a project for their clients, which can include everything from fashion companies to big brands like Twitter or Google. They build up the project along with an art director, working with various departments to ensure that the project is cohesive. While it is a creative position, it is more supervisory than others on this list and will take time to work up to. 

2. Web Designer

Graphic designers who have skills in web design are well suited to become web designers. These professionals work only on the aesthetics of a website, including custom templates, color palettes, logos, and more. They do not do web development, such as front-end or back-end development. They are integral to any business who has an online storefront as many customers will not shop at websites that are not aesthetically pleasing. Web designers often work on a freelance basis, enabling them to work on their own schedule. 

3. Logo Designer

Logo design is one of the most interesting careers in graphic design. Professionals work on the logo for businesses, brands, films, musical acts, or entrepreneurs. The entire job consists of working with a client to produce a logo that embodies their goods and services. Graphic designers excel in this position because they understand the aesthetic importance of a logo. Logo designers generally have their own business and contract their work out to clients on a project basis. 

4. Brand Identity Designer

One of the most rewarding careers in graphic design is that of brand identity designer. This is a profession that focuses on the total overall look of a brand, including any product packaging, logo, website design, user experience, and more. Professionals in this field generally work on a contract or consulting basis, meaning they are brought on when a business is about to launch or is relaunching with new branding. Some designers also work in entertainment, building the brand for films or concert tours. 

5. Book Cover Designer

With so many authors self-publishing their work online these days, the demand for excellent book cover designers is rising rapidly. That’s why this is one of the best careers in graphic design for professionals interested in freelancing or working with a major publishing house. This position covers e-books, audiobooks, and physical copies. Book cover designers are responsible for the overall look of the book, including formatting, the inside flaps, the back design, and the cover itself. It is possible to work as a contractor or work in-house; this depends on a professional’s chosen path and whether or not they want to work for themselves. 

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Graphic design has a strong influence on everyday life. From fashion design to commercials to the layouts that are in magazines and publications, aesthetics and design play a role in how the public interacts with brands, public figures, and even news. For professionals interested in different careers in graphic design that don’t have the title of “graphic designer,” these options will serve as a starting point to dream big and create their own unique career path.