5 Unique Degrees Offered at Christian Colleges

5 Uncommon Degrees Offered at Christian Colleges

  • Biblical and Religious Studies
  • Theology
  • Christian Ministry and Leadership
  • Youth Ministry
  • Christian Counseling and Psychology

For a student who ascribes to or is interested in the Christian faith, attending a Christian college offers many benefits. Christian colleges provide quality education combined with faith-based experiences. They supply to the typical college experience among like-minded individuals. Finally, they offer unique degrees unobtainable at secular institutions.

1. Biblical and Religious Studies

Students can choose between degrees in Biblical and religious studies. They can major and earn a degree in one and minor in the other, or they can complete a dual major and degree program in both. Biblical Studies refers to the study of the Bible, as both a general text and a foundation for Christianity. Religious studies involve comparing and contrasting all world religions, from their historical beginnings through their modern roles and practice. These degrees are not unique to Christian colleges in and of themselves, but students at Christian colleges will enjoy a uniquely Christian perspective.

2. Theology

Literally translated, theology means the study of God and religion. As the definition suggests, a degree in theology is closely related to degrees in Biblical and religious studies. Theology is more faith-based in Christianity, while religious studies are more neutral and analytical. It is more theoretical than biblical studies, often focusing on the anthropological and archaeological development of the Bible and Christianity. One can study theology in the context of any religion, but studying at a Christian college allows for a deeper understanding of how it applies to Christianity.

3. Christian Ministry and Leadership

Christian ministry and leadership are wholly unique to Christian colleges. Students in this degree program will learn how to become leaders both inside and outside the church. In these culturally diverse times, a degree in Christian ministry and leadership is an asset to aspiring leaders in any field. Forbes offers guidance on how to appropriately address religion in the workplace. Those who are interested in building careers within the church will also have the opportunity to take courses in Christian music and worship.

4. Youth Ministry

Youth ministry is the ideal degree program for students who wish to combine their interests in Christian ministry and work with children and adolescents. Students in this program learn the best ways to communicate about Christianity with modern youth of every age group. They learn tools and activities they can apply in future careers as youth ministers, religious educators, camp counselors, and administrators of youth programs.

Related Resource: Top 10 Christian Colleges and Universities in the North

5. Christian Counseling and Psychology

Christian counseling and psychology degrees are designed for future counselors and psychologists who wish to research and practice through a Christian lens. These students will learn everything that counseling and psychology students learn in top secular programs, with the added advantage of receiving guidance on how to integrate it with faith. Students learn how to conduct faith-based therapy and research, as well as how to work successfully in secular environments as individuals with Christian identities.

Christian colleges offer a distinct perspective on higher education. Studying at a Christian college provides students with unique degrees and traditional degrees taught in unique ways. It gives students the option between following career paths directly into the church and following secular career paths with Christian foundations.